What to Expect
I’m New - What to Expect
What to expect on a Sunday Morning at St. John,
We’re glad you asked! For generations, St. John has strived to be a community where all generations can grow in faith and know the Good News of God’s love shown in Jesus.
How should I dress? Jesus doesn’t care, so neither do we. Come as you are comfortable.
What’s your worship style? Our worship style is rooted in the traditional style where hymns are sung and we follow the flow of “Gather-Word-Meal-Send” in worship. Not familiar with Lutheran style of worship? No worries, it’s all in your worship bulletin. We also encourage active participation, so may bless by the laying on of hands, or through holy anointing with oil at times throughout the year.
Is there Holy Communion? Yes. We believe that the “sacrament” (God’s visible gift of grace) is central to our faith, and it is essential to feeding our hearts , so we celebrate around God’s Table every Sunday. Since it is God’s Table, we know no one is turned away. All are welcome (regardless of age or anything else).
Where can my children go during worship? Jesus clearly said to welcome the little children, because with them, he will do great things. We agree, children are a part of the body of Christ (the church) today!
Since worship is not only central to St. John being a community of faith, but it is one of the best ways for all to learn about God’s love and grace, forgiveness and mercy; we encourage children to experience worship alongside their families. We know children worship differently than adults. That is o.k. We’re glad they’re here! There is a “break out session” for Kindergarten and younger during the sermon, while older youth are given worship packets during the sermon. We welcome the energy, wonder and even “buzz’ children bring to worship. That is the sound of a living church!